5 Days Free Trial
Level 1 and Level 2 Dedicated Support
100% White Label
Quick Setup Time (No Fee)
Credibility and Reliability
Certified Engineers
Cost Effective Solution
Quality Services
With more than a decade of experience, actsupport offers seamless outsourced web hosting support. Our certified Engineers have an intense understanding of the latest industry trends combined with technical proficiency and quality. Our expert techs will be assigned to work exclusively for you in more efficient way.
Plan Inclusions
Team Coverage
Response Time
Setup Fee
Support Levels
Level1 and
Level2 issues
Support Channel
Support By
Client Testimonials
I am happy too, as the big sale days went smoothly and the admins here were proactive and contributed quality support. The team will continue to provide the same quality of support and I am working with them closely.
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Shahed, USA
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Shahed, USA
Overall, actsupport has steadily shown improvements in accurately tracking deal intelligence. There have been some repetitive errors on change requests but these appear to have been rectified. We are very pleased with the overall response time in helping to correct and improve upon current processes.
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Mark Cohen, Canada
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Mark Cohen, Canada
Certified Technicians