News & Events
News & Events
Meet team actsupport at CLOUDFEST
actsupport is one of the Gold sponsors at the #CloudFest 2018 happening in Rust, Germany.
We cordially invite you to meet our team at booth #G16 and check out our various service offerings and how we can be of some support to you and your business.
Look forward to meeting you soon!

AmulyaInfotech Celebrates 10th Anniversary
AmulyaInfotech proudly celebrates the successful completion of first decade in 24×7 Outsourcing IT Services / Solutions on December 10th 2011.
Founders and MDs of AmulyaInfotech, Mr.Sathish Saravanan.S & Mrs.Roopa Prabhakar were honored with “Rashtriya Udyog Ratna” award and “Quality Brands Award 2011-2013” by NEHRDO on 27th September 2011 at Mumbai.
They were also awarded with “Indira Gandhi SadBhavna Award and Gold medal for Excellence” by Citizens integration Peace Society – Dr. Bhishma Narain Singh, Dr. GVG Krishnamoorthy, HT Sangliana, Ch Randhir Singh and Harikesh Bahadur on 18th November 2011 at the constitution club of India, Vitthal Bhai Patel house, New Delhi.
Mr.Sathish Saravanan.S & Roopa Prabhakar have also been selected for the prestigious “Global Achievers Award 2011” by Citizens Integration Peace Society, which will be presented on Dec 27 2011 during an International Conference in Dubai. Before that, On Dec 24th, they are receiving the “Indian Achievers Award” honored by IERDA recognizing their individual excellence and contribution to the nation.
To sum it up, Team AmulyaInfotech has bagged 2 International Awards, 6 National level awards in this year 2011 which also commemorates Our 10th Anniversary.
To make this day even more special we adopted a new logo that heralds a new beginning, with renewed focus. It has been a dream run all throughout and this has been possible one and only because of our team members!
AmulyaInfotech takes this special occasion to thank each and every Amulyans for their dedication and contributions they have done for us to reach this long. Since AmulyaInfotech being a 24x7x365¼ Outsourcing Company, each one of the employees had aspirations towards AmulyaInfotech in their own ways – Working round the clock, going the extra mile to work in odd timings, in the weekends and even during celebrations. Many of them have sacrificed their personal time and sat back at work to complete a priority task.
Each and every Amulyan share the ownership and are equally passionate about AmulyaInfotech as much as the management does. We bow down to all of them and sincerely thank them for all their contributions and made AmulyaInfotech a Success…
Indira Gandhi Sadbhavna Award and Gold Medal for Excellence
Mr. Sathish Saravanan.S, Managing Director, and Mrs.Roopa Prabhakar, Joint Managing Director, AmulyaInfotech were awarded the “Indira Gandhi SadBhavna Award and Gold medal for Excellence” by The Citizens Integration Peace Society – Dr. Bhishma Narain Singh, Dr. GVG Krishnamoorthy, HT Sangliana, Ch Randhir Singh and Harikesh Bahadur at the constitution club of India, Vitthal Bhai Patel house, New Delhi on 18th November 2011. The Awards were given for their Outstanding individual achievement and Distinguished services to the nation.

Rashtriya Udyog Ratna Award and Quality Brands Award (2011 – 2013)
Mr. Sathish Saravanan.S, Managing Director, AmulyaInfotech was awarded the “Rashtriya Udyog Ratna Award” for Outstanding contribution to the Society and National Life and excellence in our field, and Mrs.Roopa Prabhakar, Joint Managing Director, AmulyaInfotech received the “Quality Brands Award ( 2011 – 2013)” by National Education and Human Resource Development Organization, at Mumbai on 27th September 2011.
ACT is now “AmulyaInfotech” from January , 2008
ACT has re-branded itself as AmulyaInfotech, Amulya is an ancient sanskrit word which means precious or priceless. The re-branding is done due to many reasons including new board members, partnership with two other companies and also to differentiate itself from ACT, the CRM product.Aligned with the new name, also comes the new vision statement “Passionate Team. Priceless Service.”
AmulyaInfotech will go the extra mile to offer more than what is expected and a mind blowing customer service. This is possible only through our passionate team working through days and nights with the kind of energy which is fully ON all the time, with a heart to serve and a determination to deliver excellent and outstanding service consistently. AmulyaInfotech is not just a name change, We make the promise to improve, change, transform and reinvent in 2008.
ACT celebrated its Sixth Anniversary
ACT Infoserve cheerfully celebrated it sixth anniversary on Dec.10th 2008. It was the day purely marked for non-stop fun where ACTians were found enjoying themselves, with the wind in their hair and sand at their feet… For a change, the bright day was welcomed by ACTians at one of those resorts in Coimbatore called, The Green Valley. The entire place shined along the sun as it seemed like a perfect festive season.
This had been the most remarkable day in ACT history since the event contained the Re-Branding of ACT Infoserve as AMULYAINFOTECH.
The activities were all well-planned and arranged, bringing the hidden talents and skills of each and everybody to the lime-light. The noon was meant for games like Cricket, Volleyball, Swimming, Dog and the bone, and etc., highlighting the equality among the employers and employees. Resulting, the atmosphere echoed the giggles and laughter which knew no limit.After refreshing themselves, an official meeting was arranged where everybody assembled maintaining the decorum which announced the New Board Members.
Evening was clearly sketched for cultural activities beginning with the Theme Show:’Colors and Expressions’ where the employees paraded on stage, leaving the audience breathless.This show was followed by Singing Contest and Dancing Competition which had a bunch of participants highly entertaining the crowd with their bewitching performances.
Thus the celebration of the year ended up accomplishing the two basic motives: Eroding the gaps between different teams and different grades of officials, and Encouraging overall dedication shown by each and every team members which is like this fun, non-stop!
ACT moves to new greater environment
ACT Infoserve has moved to new greater environment on 02/16/2007. The new floor was inaugurated by MR. C.R. Swaminathan, Chief Executive, PSG Institutions on 02/15/2007. The new floor has been set up keeping in mind, the infrastructure requirements of any enterprise level company.
Various factors including Data Security, Physical Security, Safety Measures, Power Backup, Disaster Recovery Plan has been taken care in this new floor. Considering projects which requires instant availability of seats and manpower, we have put additional ready to use seats of about 50 and we are constantly building our Resume database to address any urgent project requirement.