Display Info about FreeBSD system

Display Info about FreeBSD system

1) Determining the Hardware Type/platform:

# uname -m

2)  Determining machine processor architecture:

# uname -p

3) Determining FreeBSD release level:

# uname -r

4)  Generally, following command is use to get all info at a time:

# uname -mrs

5) Determining how long a system has been up

# uptime

6) Determining when a system was last rebooted or shutdown

# last -1 reboot
# last -1 shutdown

7) Determining swap file system usage

# swapinfo -k

8)  Find out when a user was last logged in

# last <user-name>

9)  To find the number of CPUs

# cat /var/run/dmesg.boot | grep CPU


# sysctl -a | grep -i ‘hw.ncpu’

10) Display machine, model, cpuinfo

$ sysctl -a | grep -E -i ‘hw.machine|hw.model|hw.ncpu’

Written by actsupp-r0cks