Author: actsupp-r0cks

Monitor VMware ESXi Host Using LibreNMS

Configuring SNMP on VMware ESXi host Log in to the ESXi host with root user credentials. Once you have logged in, check the current SNMP configurations # esxcli system snmp get Authentication: Communities: Enable: false Engineid: Hwsrc: indications Loglevel: info Notraps: Port: 161Privacy:Remoteusers:Syscontact:Syslocation:Targets:Users:V3targets: You can start the configuration by setting the community string(s). #esxcli system snmp set –communities <community> e.g# esxcli system snmp set –communities actsupport Configure SNMP Port # esxcli system snmp set –port 161 Enable SNMP on the server # esxcli system snmp set –enable true Set syscontact # esxcli system snmp set –syscontact Set Server Location: # esxcli system snmp set –syslocation US-RA0154 Check SNMP firewall rules: # esxcli network firewall get   Default Action: DROP   Enabled: true   Loaded: true # esxcli network firewall ruleset rule list  | grep snmpsnmp                Inbound    UDP       Dst               161       161 # esxcli network firewall ruleset allowedip list | grep snmpsnmp                All Only […]

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