Converting MySQL query results into a CSV file

To dump data from the database into an Excel file, SELECT query  can be used to convert data to CSV formatting.

Converting MySQL query results into a CSV file

All needs to be done is to identify how the fields and lines should be terminated. For example, to dump a table named customers to a CSV file named customers.csv, execute this command:

mysql>SELECT * FROM users INTO OUTFILE ‘/home/testaccnt/users.csv’  FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘\t\’ ->LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\n’;

All you need to do is identify how the fields and lines should be terminated. For example, to dump a table named users to a CSV file named users.csv, execute this command:
mysql>SELECT * FROM users INTO OUTFILE ‘/home/jason/users.csv’
FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘\t\’ ->LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\n’;All you need to do is identify how the fields and lines should be terminated. For example, to dump a table named users to a CSV file named users.csv, execute this command:
mysql>SELECT * FROM users INTO OUTFILE ‘/home/jason/users.csv’
Written by actsupp-r0cks