What is Kernelcare ?
The kernel is the central module of an operating system (OS). The part of the OS that loads first, and it remains in main memory. Because it stays in memory, the kernel has to be as small as possible while still providing all the essential services required by other parts of the OS and applications.
So, the kernel is one of the very most important parts of the operating system and is responsible for memory management, process, task management, and disk management. The kernel actually connects the system hardware to the application software. KernelCare keeps your kernel secure with automated and reboot less updates.
Kernel Updates
As now that you understand how important the kernel is, a system admin has to always make sure that he has the latest kernel updates and kernel security patches to avoid issues. Keeping the kernels updated manually can take hours, will cause server downtime and stressing system admins and clients alike.
A server has to be rebooted after applying any kernel updates or patches and such reboots usually have to be done during off-peak hours. This additional stress is never welcome but avoiding server reboots can create server issues and cause security concerns. Sometimes after a reboot, the server may face issues and not readily come back up. Fixing such issues can take hours. Sometimes a system admin has to roll back the kernel updates that he has applied in order to get the server online as quickly as possible.
Need for KernelCare
This is where a KernelCare comes in. It provides a service that will patch security vulnerabilities inside the running kernel – without any downtime or service interruption. Once Kernel Care is installed on your server, security updates are applied automatically (every 4 hours) on a running server (live server), without downtime and hence this removes the need to reboot the server.
Operating Systems Supported:
- CentOS/RHEL 5, 6 and 7
- Cloud Linux 5 and 6
- OpenVZ
- Virtuozzo
- Debian 6 & 7
- Ubuntu 14.04.
Benefits & Features of KernelCare
No interruption to running applications, no vulnerable kernels, and no Admin hassle. Run your servers for years without reboots with KernelCare.
1 ) Automated kernel patching, without reboots
Once KernelCare is installed on your server, all kernel security updates will be applied automatically as soon as the patch is available without the need for a reboot. This will avoid downtime and keeps your server running with the latest versions of kernels and therefore you can be sure, that you have an updated version running on your server.
2) Latest security & stability upgrades
KernelCare runs a check for the availability of new patches every 4 hours. It downloads and applies all patches automatically. So you needn’t check the updates and apply them manually. Where as this will save your time while KernelCare handles this critical aspect of server administration.
3) Takes minutes to install
Installing KernelCare is quite simple and it doesn’t require rebooting the server. All it takes is a simple command via command line.
4) Prompt patch roll out
The KernelCare constantly monitor security mailing lists and when there is a security vulnerability that affects one of the supported kernels – they will prepare a patch for that vulnerability.
5) No performance impact
It takes only nanoseconds for a KernelCare to load patches using a special kernel module without any impact on system performance.
6) Ability to roll back changes
You can always roll back all applied changes by running a special command.
With all the above features and benefits, having KernelCare install on your system is always highly recommended. We are an expert in Linux with a unique focus on client care, hence for any queries you can Contact us .
We at actsupport will help you to plan, design and implement data center virtualization solution that meets your business objectives. Hence you can deliver a better, more secure Linux platform.
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