Unable to add/remove domain alias in Helm Control Panel
Unable to add/remove domain alias in Helm Control Panel You could have experienced this error CDomainAlias.DeleteEx 0-xxxxxxxxxx: Unknown error while adding host header: A name contained […]
Unable to add/remove domain alias in Helm Control Panel You could have experienced this error CDomainAlias.DeleteEx 0-xxxxxxxxxx: Unknown error while adding host header: A name contained […]
Accessing Plesk shows invalid security certificate Accessing Plesk Control Panel with https displays the following; mydomain:8443 uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is not trusted […]
Generaly, we create directory using “mkdir” command and then change it’s permissions using “chmod” command. Create directory & set permission using a single Linux command Actually, […]
Try these Linux package management tips. Linux Package Management Tips 1) To check if a package is available in repositories and if so available, to check […]
Find programs hogging bandwidth using iftop command in Linux Using iftop command we shall be able to determine what program is hogging bandwidth. iftop -bNBP is […]
Copy from /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc or /usr/share/zoneinfo/<continent>/<city>, the timezone, that coresponds to your city/GMT setting to /etc/localtime Once the timezone is set in the FreeBSD server, run the […]
Blade Servers Blade Servers I would say that the name ‘Modern Computers’ are now referred to as ‘Blade Servers’. The Blade Servers have been around only […]
To dump data from the database into an Excel file, SELECT query can be used to convert data to CSV formatting. Converting MySQL query results into […]
Change MySQL’s prompt by using the prompt command: mysql>prompt mysql (\d)> Once executed, the currently selected database will appear in the prompt, like so: mysql (mydatabase)> […]
Dynamically linked libraries are linked and loaded at run time, either by “ld.so” or “ld-linux.so”, depending on how it was compiled: in a.out or ELF format. […]