VDI Commands to Create, Delete, Update, Import & Export


Diagnose your network configuration with the below discussed VDI commands. Make use of these VDI commands to troubleshoot your network configuration and check how to migrate a Xen VDI to another storage repository via the command line.

VDI commands to clone, create, delete, update, import & export


If you want to create a VDI with virtual size specified either in KiB, MiB, GiB, and TiB or in bytes using the below command:

vdi-create sr-uuid=uuid_of_sr_to_create_vdi_on name-label=name_for_the_vdi type=system|user|suspend|crashdump virtual-size=size_of_virtual_disk sm-config-\*=storage_specific_configuration_data 


In case, if you wish to clone, you can create a writable new copy of the specified VDI and use it directly.

vdi-clone uuid=uuid_of_the_vdi 

You can use the driver:parms to pass extra vendor-specific configuration information to the back-end storage driver.


To Delete, retain the changed block tracking metadata while, destroying the data associated with the specified VDI and use the command:

vdi-data-destroy uuid=uuid_of_vdi

If you want to destroy the specified VDI, then use:

vdi-destroy uuid=uuid_of_vdi


You can Export / Import VDI either in raw or vhd format to a specified file name. All the unallocated blocks within the VDI will be omitted to make your VHD file smaller to transfer.

Command to Export:

vdi-export uuid=uuid_of_vdi filename=filename_to_export_to [format=format] [base=uuid_of_base_vdi] [--progress] 

Using base parameter, only the blocks that have changed between the exported VDI and the base VDI will be exported.

Command to Import:

vdi-import uuid=uuid_of_vdi filename=filename_to_import_from [format=format] [--progress]


You can resize or change the size of the VDI specified by UUID by using the command:

vdi-resize uuid=vdi_uuid disk-size=new_size_for_disk

Migrate Xen VDI

To Migrate a Xen VDI to another storage repository via command line, then you can follow the below-given steps:

Run xe vm-disk-list vm=$VM , which will display both disks and the storage repositories where these disks are stored in.

You can get these details from sr-name-label

If you want to get a complete list of storage repositories, then run xe sr-list.

By running xe sr-param-list uuid=$SRUUID you can view whether the storage is full or not.

You can migrate VDI that is full to another storage repository using the command:

xe vdi-pool-migrate uuid=$VDI sr-uuid=$NEWSRUUID
#prints NEWVDI uuid

Note: Make sure that your VM is running, while you run the above command.

Now you can check whether VDI has been successfully moved or not using the command,

xe vm-disk-list

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Written by actsupp-r0cks